Soon time to bowl!

Hi Bowlers!:)

Time is rolling by and soon it's "bowling time", hope you feel excited and that you're looking forward to it as much as we are. It's going to be alot of fun. We meet up in school, on the 27th of October, wednesday at 17.30 and walk together to the bowling hall. Don't forget to buy a pink ribbon, in the school of health sciences, health shop, this to support breast cancer and second it works as a ticket to get into F.U.S.K.s party. You can buy it in the health shop for 25 kr, on lunch between 12-13. Afterwards we'll join F.U.S.Ks preparty at Enirokällaren. Then for those who want, we can continue to the Akademien and party there untill it closes. Hope to see you all there, so we can party and have a grrrreeeat time!

Big thanks to F.U.S.K for arranging a party in the sign of breast cancer. As many of you know October is the pink month.

Peace/ S.U.S.H.I


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