volleyball tournament
Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the volleyball!
FUSK is arranging a volleyball tournament the 15th of May. This event will be held on Vätterstranden. S.U.S.H.I will be there and playing with one team. It would be really fun if you guys would like to join with a couple of teams as well. If you don't want to play, join anyway and be cheerleaders! :)
If you want to play: put together a team of a four to five people. Write your names, your team-name and a contact phone number and send a mail to: [email protected] before the 26th of April. You could also find members from FUSK outside the libary lunch-time this friday and monday if you like to ask some questions or sign up for the tournament.
Hope to see you all there!! :)

xoxo // S.U.S.H.I
FUSK is arranging a volleyball tournament the 15th of May. This event will be held on Vätterstranden. S.U.S.H.I will be there and playing with one team. It would be really fun if you guys would like to join with a couple of teams as well. If you don't want to play, join anyway and be cheerleaders! :)
If you want to play: put together a team of a four to five people. Write your names, your team-name and a contact phone number and send a mail to: [email protected] before the 26th of April. You could also find members from FUSK outside the libary lunch-time this friday and monday if you like to ask some questions or sign up for the tournament.
Hope to see you all there!! :)

xoxo // S.U.S.H.I