International Day
We in S.U.S.H.I would like to thank everyone who participated yesterday and helped us to accoplish a great International Day!
Tomorrow it´s time for another Swedish tradition – våffeldagen (waffles).
If you haven´t tried it I can recommend you to try!
Time files and we are approaching summer and tomorrow you should turn the clock one hour forward. We turn the clock one hour forward in the spring to take advantage of the daylight just like when we put the clock back one hour in the winter.
Tomorrow it´s time for our next activity and there is something we want to inform you about. Please wear comfortable clothes, and try to not wear jeans because that can be kind of a problem during your climbing! Also, bring a pair of sneakers, if you don't have a pair you can climb barefoot!
Information about the International Day
On Thursday we in S.U.S.H.I are going to give you some information about the International Day which will be held on March 28th. We will be offering some refreshments, please join us!
I would also like to inform you that our next activity will be climbing. Date for climbing is 22th of March, please attend to the event before the 19th.
Hope to see you all on Thursday and at the 22th of March!