Guesss whaat?!
At our last meeting we discussed our next activity, it will be to go and watch Hv71 play a hockey game. Hopefully it will be at the end of November, we looked at our schedule and the 23rd of november was our best option because International day is coming up soon. At the moment we are trying to get tickets to the game.. alright..
We hope you like our new website, we are working on improving the website and to put in more photos :)
We hope you like our new website, we are working on improving the website and to put in more photos :)
next activity with SUSHI
On our last meeting we talked about what to do for the next activity. We tought that hockey was a good idea. We will not play hockey but we will go and to watch a game with HV71 which is one of the best teams in Sweden. Games with HV71 is usually very entertaining but we haven't had time to look into details yet. You will get more info about it soon..
Thanks to our Canadian friends and students who showed us a little bit of their culture etc. Unfortunately this time I was feeling sick and could not make it to Books & Coffee. We appreciate that you take your time for this kind of events. Feel free to contact IA(international Association) if you want to show us and let us know more of your country.
Here is a link to their site
On their site you can read more about them and you can see the schedule of activities that will come up. I will try to post upcoming events here anyway to remind you. If you wonder about anything you could always contact us :)
Here is a link to their site
On their site you can read more about them and you can see the schedule of activities that will come up. I will try to post upcoming events here anyway to remind you. If you wonder about anything you could always contact us :)
New thing´s coming up!
Thank you for joining us for bowling event, we had fun! I don´t know who the winner was but I saw a lot of strikes!
I hope you have seen our new web page where you can find information about us and also read our blog! if you haven´t, check it out now!
Next weekend S.U.S.H.I. is going on teambuilding with health schools other commitee´s, FUSK, Fezztingen and Hutt and of course also Health section.
Don't forget to buy a pink ribbon (25 kr) in the school of health sciences, health shop between 12-13, monday-friday, this to support breast cancer and it also works as a ticket to get into F.U.S.K.s party 2nd of November at Enirokällaren.
Big thanks to F.U.S.K for arranging a party in the sign of breast cancer. As many of you know October is the pink month.
Also don´t forget to stop by books & coffé if you have time on fridays between 12-13 there they have culture days!

/ S.U.S.H.I.
S.U.S.H.I Blog 2.0
Sorry for being inactivate , We have som great plans for this blog. There will be a new design and lots of other stuff.
I believe AnnaKarin has sent you an invite for the bowling on Facebook, On Wednesday next week ( 12/10 ) we will meet up at school around 16.30 and the cost will be 25kr/pers.
Ehmm, I am currently working on some weekly themes for the blog just to make it more interesting and so you guys can see how we in the administration of SUSHI work. It will done this week so dont miss it :)
I believe AnnaKarin has sent you an invite for the bowling on Facebook, On Wednesday next week ( 12/10 ) we will meet up at school around 16.30 and the cost will be 25kr/pers.
Ehmm, I am currently working on some weekly themes for the blog just to make it more interesting and so you guys can see how we in the administration of SUSHI work. It will done this week so dont miss it :)