The moustache battle
Tomorrow the moustache battle starts at School of Health Science-it´s a battle were you, guys, participates with your moustache´s and we gilrs and ofcourse boys vote for the best moustache! School of Health is organising this event because we want to contribute to the reserch of prostate cancer as prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Sweden today.
You guys participate by signing up in the shop at level 3 at the school between tomorrow(the 1st) and april 29th. You pay 20 swedish kronor to participate. Between 1st and 19th of May everyone at School of Health Science will be able to vote on the best moustache-it costs 5 swedish kronor á vote. There will be price to the best moustache!
Remember that all the money goes to Cancerfonden!!!
Orlando Bloom in moustache
Would you vote for George Cloone´s moustache???!
Or is maybe Jude Law a winner for you?!
Borat might pull the moustache off best, or?!
SUSHI wish we could grow this cool beard and moustache-we would defenitly win-right?!
But Justin Beiber´s moustache is the winner for SUSHI!!
So help the research of prostate cancer with your vote!!
International Day
Participate and inspire the swedish students at School of Healt Science to travell abroad and studie! If you want to participate during the day with some inspiering food and talk to curious students about your university or country contact [email protected].

We in S.U.S.H.I. really hope that you´d like to participate!
Recognise me? Most of you probably don’t, but that’s ok because you will! My name is Hanna and I am one of two new members of S.U.S.H.I.
I study occupational therapy in the first year. I have always been interested in speaking different languages and during high school I attended an international high school in Gothenburg which is my home town.
I am a very positive and happy person who loves always having something to do, which includes hanging out with friends, sporting, working and trying new things.
You will see my face around school and at S.U.S.H.I. events. Hope to see you too!
New member of S.U.S.H.I.
My name is Sofia Zäther and I am a new member of S.U.S.H.I. wich I´m very happy to be! I applied to S.U.S.H.I. cause I like to meet new cultures and get to know people from other countries. As I lived in London the past two and a half year I have to say that I miss speaking english on everyday basis-so I hope you all will speak to me!! ;)
I have no idea what to tell you more-You will find me at the activities with S.U.S.H.I. and I will do my best to remember all your faces and names!

Take care and hope to see you all very soon-at the mixed culture dinner!!
Mixed Culture Dinner
S.U.S.H.I.'s next event is coming up and it's called Mixed Culture Dinner. It's on the 17th of March and this time everyone is going to bring food from their home country and we are all going to have a potluck tryin out food from different countries.
We hope as many of you are able to show up and have fun togehter with S.U.S.H.I., the international students at school of heath sciences and the contact students.
If you want to join us send an email to [email protected].